Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Knicky Knackies

Today I finally posted my ARC (advance reader copy) review of Josh Malerman's Incidents Around the House to my NetGalley account for the publisher.  I'll be able to officially post my review in June when the book is published and live for everyone to purchase.  I will say I did enjoy it, not as much as I enjoyed some of his other stories, but it was very interesting.

Other than that and working all day and taking care of my fathers' budget and paying his bills, I finally get to share the cute little knick knack that I purchased from Temu, which I am ordering from waaaay too much. lol  I want the entire collection, but for now, this one gets me started to put on my bookcase:

Isn't it adorbs????  There are 5 more in different poses that I plan on getting, but for now, she's on the bookshelf reading her own book. 😁

That's all for today folks, it's getting late and I have some chores to do before dinner. Take care.  

Until next time!


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