Sunday, August 21, 2011

Excited and nervous at the same time

Yes, I know, it has been almost a full month since I last posted here.  Sorry, I've always been this way.  I have many diaries that I started over the years and never continued.  I will keep trying my best to blog at least once a week.  The main thing that has been going on this past month is that my son moved out of the house and into an efficiency apartment with two of his co-workers so I turned his room into my quiltroom! :)  There is still room for a bed if he decides to come back home but it opened up my dining room for us to eat again LOL.


My sewing area and office combined

Sydney's Sewing area

I am really loving having my own room to run away to.  Now to get a TV in here too lol.  I haven't had much time to sew anything this past month other than sew together some leader/ender HSTs to make pinwheel blocks.  I think I am going to use them in my black and bright quilt but who knows, I may just keep going until I have enough to make an entire quilt. :) 

I was gone for the last week in Iowa on a business trip and thoroughly enjoyed myself!  We went to Coon Rapids, IA, and WOW the land is so beautiful.  I love the rolling hills and the neverending corn and soybean fields, not to mention the farmland with the cattle.  Some photos:

Coon Rapids, IA

Sculptures of the three basic views of IA's corn DNA :)

Wind Turbine, we need these in FL

Iowa State Fair, fried goodies lol

One of the rides at the state fair

I have more photos but don't want to put too many up on the blog.  Maybe one day I will set up pages for different parts of the blog and upload more photos.  I really enjoyed the trip, and getting to know my peers in our IA office and the country.  My flight back was horrible, we were supposed to leave at 11:25 AM so were at the Des Moines airport at 8 AM and found out after checking in and going through security that there was bad weather in Memphis, TN so our flight would be delayed.  Delayed h*ll!!!  I spent 8 hours at the airport and found out that the plane was struck by lightning and they had no more flights (with open seats) out of Des Moines to Memphis.  So they upgraded me to a flight to Atlanta, GA (first class) then to Valparaiso, FL but my flight didn't leave until 5:30 PM.  I finally arrived home around midnight.  That was one very long day, especially since I had to go back to work the next day lol.  At least it was a Friday. :)

On another note, I am so excited!  Classes at UWF start tomorrow!  *VBG*  I have been checking my online site every day but found out I can't access the classrooms until the first day of class so looks like I will have to wait until tomorrow evening after work to access it. :( 

Anyway, I need to get myself going.  I promised to make a couple more RWB quilt blocks for the Mary K Memorial quilt and I need to run down to K-Mart and pick up the family photos we had taken before Jamie moved out.  Until next time...


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