I haven't had much energy today to do more than watch movies and play on the laptop while doing so. Today I watched Burlesque with Cher and Christina Agulera (sp?). I loved the movie. Not an actual musical like I thought it would be but really good. Watched most of Black Swan until the kids got home then turned it off as it was a tad bit racy. Will have to watch it later on when the kids aren't around. Hubby and Jamie are currently watching The Green Hornet. So while I was watching TV all day I played around with my EQ 5 program (Electric Quilt) and designed three quilts as well as did a mystery quilt tutorial from EQ. Have a peek:
Earthy Bargello
Red and Black
Trip Around the World (with hubby's help)
Electric Quilts' Mystery quilt 'EQuinox"
So, even though I didn't actually 'sew' today, I did do some 'quilting' lol. I'm more tired than I should be and tomorrow is back to work and training so have to get some rest tonight. Anyway, Mom just called me and she tried her hand at a homemade NY-style cheesecake and wants me to come try it. Who can turn down cheesecake? Not me! lol Until next time, happy quilting!
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